When Is the Right Time to Replace Your Air Handler?

The average lifespan of an air conditioning unit ranges from 10-20 years depending on several factors such as age & maintenance level.

When Is the Right Time to Replace Your Air Handler?

The average lifespan of an air conditioning unit ranges from 10 to 20 years, depending on several factors. If your system is more than ten years old, it may look like it's working, but in reality, it's likely to have become much less efficient and it's costing you a lot of extra money. The air handler is one of the most important components of an HVAC system. It is usually located inside the house and is responsible for moving cold (or hot) air throughout the house.

It houses the fan motor, evaporator coil and air filter. Because air handlers are essential to maintaining the temperature in your home, it's important to know when to repair or replace them. Do you have a broken air handler? Read on to see if you should replace this important HVAC component. Air controllers draw air from the return vent and send it through the HVAC duct system.

If the flow of air coming out of the vents seems weaker than normal or varies throughout the day, it could indicate that the air conditioner's fan motor is failing. A fan that isn't working properly can increase wear and tear on the air handler and cause it to crack and leak. Dirt and debris can also cause the engine to degenerate and malfunction. If this is the case, you can hire a certified HVAC technician to clean or repair the engine for you.

That said, if the engine continues to malfunction, the air handler may need to be replaced. It's summer days for dogs and ice is forming on the air handler. This is one of the telltale signs that something is happening with your HVAC system, and there are several reasons why this can happen. Ice forms in the air conditioner when the temperature of the evaporator coils drops below freezing, which means that cold air does not circulate properly through the air conditioning system.

It could mean that you have a clogged air filter or even that the evaporator coils are dirty. That's why it's crucial to be aware of basic air conditioning maintenance. However, a frozen air controller could also indicate that there is a refrigerant leak somewhere in the HVAC system. Not only will this cause your unit to freeze, but depending on where the leak is located, it could expose you and your family to toxic chemicals.

If you suspect that there may be a refrigerant leak, it may be a sign that your air controller needs to be replaced. It's virtually a fact that your energy bills are likely to fluctuate as the seasons change, but if your energy consumption is drastically higher than usual, it could point to a bigger HVAC problem. When your heating and cooling systems start to age, they have to work harder to maintain the temperature in your home. To avoid unwanted spikes in your monthly bills, it's essential to have your HVAC system repaired by a certified technician at least once a year.

But even if you check your system regularly, an air controller malfunction could result in a dizzying monthly bill. Do you know how old your air conditioning system is? If not, it's worth noting. The Department of Energy recommends that homeowners replace their HVAC system every 10 to 15 years. Although heating and cooling systems are designed to withstand intensive use, their components will begin to wear out after 10 years.

That means that evaporator coils, motor blowers and condensers could start to show signs of aging. This also means that your air handler could start to crack and develop leaks as a result of age. HVAC systems comprise several important components that can make or break the overall importance of the system. If you suspect that your system is malfunctioning due to a breakdown of the boiler or air conditioner (or any other component), it can be tempting to replace the component in question.

After all, why spend extra money if you don't have to? However, in most cases, it's probably best to replace the entire system when a component needs to be replaced. While it may be cheaper to replace just a specific part of the system, you'll likely have to replace another part soon after, and in the long run, you'll end up spending more. However, recognizing the specific problems associated with your system can greatly simplify the diagnosis of HVAC problems. Get the latest news, tips and promotional messages about how often should an air handler be replaced from HomeServe - an independent company separate from your utility company or local community - The Department of Energy recommends replacing your HVAC system after 10 years for maximum efficiency.

Some newer units can last up to 15 years, so be sure to check when you installed yours and ask a professional how long it should last. HVAC systems are critical systems for your home that are under heavy use. If you live in a climate where all four seasons are extreme, you can run your HVAC almost year-round. Residents of milder climates can cause less wear and tear on their systems.

Although they are workhorses, HVAC systems are designed to withstand this use and last on average between 15 and 25 years. These systems are often expensive to purchase and install so much so that they are expected to last for decades but 15-25 years is a wide range and there are quite a few steps you can take to extend their lifespan. The first thing to consider when deciding whether to repair or replace your unit is how old the system is. If your unit is more than 10 years old there are many factors that can encourage you to replace it.

Vincent Tuman
Vincent Tuman

Proud troublemaker. General zombie practitioner. Gamer. Infuriatingly humble bacon ninja. Proud thinker. Incurable food lover.

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