Understanding the Working of Heat Pumps and Air Handlers

The heat pump and air handler are two essential components of a home's climate control system. Learn how they work together to provide hot or cold air to indoor spaces.

Understanding the Working of Heat Pumps and Air Handlers

The heat pump and air handler are two essential components of a home's climate control system. They work together to provide hot or cold air to indoor spaces. Heat pumps have a helical compressor and a reverse configuration, which allows them to absorb heat from the outside and transfer it inside. When the heat pump is in heating mode, the coolant flow is reversed by the reversing valve, so that the heat source is converted to outside air, even when temperatures are low.

The outer coil functions as an evaporator, while the inner coil functions as a condenser. The air handler is responsible for circulating air throughout the home. It has a fan that draws in air from outside and pushes it through the ducts, as well as a filter that removes dust and other particles from the air. The heat pump and air handler work together to maintain the desired temperature in your home. To ensure that your home's climate control system is running efficiently, it is important to understand how these two components work together. The heat pump absorbs heat from outside and transfers it inside, while the air handler circulates the air throughout your home.

By understanding how these two components work together, you can ensure that your home's climate control system is running optimally.

Vincent Tuman
Vincent Tuman

Proud troublemaker. General zombie practitioner. Gamer. Infuriatingly humble bacon ninja. Proud thinker. Incurable food lover.

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